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Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design-Fundamentals, 4th Edition, 2022

Hardcover; 1440 pages; 7.25 x 9.5 in.

ISBN: 978-0-9674939-5-4; LCCN: 2022907946, Copyright 2022

Fiber Reinforced Cement and Concrete Composites, 1st Edition, 2017

Hardcover; 765 pages; 7.25 x 9.5 in.

ISBN: 978-0-9674939-3-0; LCCN: 2017916342, Copyright 2017

Fiber Ferrocement and Laminated Cementitious Composites, 1st Edition, 2000

Hardcover; 372 pages; 7.25 x 9.5 in.

ISBN: 978-09674939-0-9; LCCN: 9996382, Copyright 2000

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This first print of the 4th edition was printed on thin paper to reduce the weight, which may cause potential bleed-through with dark markers.


In the second print, the paper quality is better than the first print.

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My Books

Fox Point Publishing is a small publisher founded in Texas.  As of December 1, 2024, it is representing Techno Press 3000 in its books sales. To contact us:


We currentily have three books:


1. "Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design - Fundamentals, 4th Edition (2022)", co-authored by Dr. Antoine E. Naaman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (Naaman) and Dr. Shih-Ho (Simon) Chao who is the ACPA Tom Wheelan Endowed Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington, USA. ( Chao ).


2. "Fiber Reinforced Cement and Concrete Composites, 1st Edition (2017)" by Dr. Antoine E. Naaman.


3. "Ferrocement & Laminated Cementitious Composites, 1st Edition (2000)" by Dr. Antoine E. Naaman.​​

Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design - Fundamentals, 4th Edition (2022)

This updated 4th edition integrates the provisions of the 2019 ACI Building Code in text and examples; offers an extensive treatment of bridge analysis and design according to the 2020 AASHTO LRFD Specifications; includes a large number of logical design flow charts and detailed design examples; provides an extensive updated bibliography; includes an appendix with answers to study problems; uses consistent notation as well as consistent sign convention; and uses dual units (US and Sl) for key equations and reference data. The book contains sufficient material to cover four targeted courses dealing with: a) prestressed concrete fundamentals and applications, b) advanced PC analysis and design, c) post-tensioned concrete structures (including continuous beams, one- and two-way slab systems and slabs on ground), and d) PC bridges. Unique topics addressed include slenderness effects in column, optimum design of water tanks, prestress losses by the time-steps procedure, anchorage design by strut-and-tie modeling, and design for shear and torsion. The material is presented in 16 chapters, with 1432 pages, and more than 650 illustrations and photographs. This book is written primarily to serve as a thorough teaching text, a comprehensive source of information, and a basic reference. It is intended for advanced students, professional engineers, and researchers. It emphasizes the fundamental concepts of analysis and design of prestressed concrete structures, providing the user with the essential knowledge and tools to deal with everyday design problems, while developing the necessary critical thinking and training to tackle more complex problems with confidence.



Fiber Reinforced Cement and Concrete Composites, 1st Edition (2017)


This book attempts to answers the following broad questions: What do fibers do to concrete when added to it? What do fibers do to structural concrete when used in combination with reinforcing bars or prestressing strands? It provides extensive information on the behavior and properties of the resulting FRC composite (tension, compression, bending, shear, toughness, fracture energy, ductility, time-dependent properties, fatigue, fire resistance, etc) and on modeling its response (tension, compression, bending, shear) including its elastic modulus as well as the bond at the fiber-matrix interface. Mix design and numerous examples of applications are covered. Effort is made throughout to synthesize and condense essential information and suggest directions in which progress is likely to proceed. The material is presented in 15 chapters with 765 pages, close to 450 figures and photographs and an extensive list of references. The book is written for advanced students, engineers, researchers, educators, and practicing professionals. It is intended as a basic reference, a comprehensive source of information, and a thorough teaching text.



Ferrocement & Laminated Cementitious Composites, 1st Edition (2000)


Ferrocement is truly the first invention of reinforced concrete, the most-used construction material in the world. It is a thin composite made with a cement based mortar matrix reinforced with closely spaced layers of relatively small diameter wire mesh. Since the mesh may be made of metallic or fiber reinforced polymeric materials, ferrocement also belongs to the family of thin laminated composites.Applications of ferrocement include marine and terrestrial structures such as boats, fishing vessels, barges, water tanks, silos, shells, and housing structures. This book is written for engineers, architects, students and professionals. It is meant as a teaching text, a comprehensive source of information, and a basic reference. It emphasizes the fundamental concepts for the analysis and design of ferrocement and points out its particular characteristics vis-a-vis reinforced concrete, and fiber reinforced polymeric composites. Numerous examples are given to illustrate the various concepts and methodologies described. The material covered is an essential supplement to the breadth of knowledge and expertise of any professional involved in traditional reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. It is also a unique source for guiding amateur and self-help builders of ferrocement marine and terrestrial structures to select the proper materials and construction method to guarantee a sound structure. The book has abundant photographs and figures and provides an extensive list/of references and design aids.



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